Preparations for prolonging sexual intercourse

May 10, 2021 Blog

Preparations for prolonging sexual intercourse

As all norms concerning sex are very relative, in medicine it is considered premature to ejaculate if it happens even before or just at the beginning of intercourse. This situation does not allow two partners to relax and enjoy sexual intercourse and can be a cause of quarrels and misunderstandings.

Why is it important to prolong intercourse?

Ideally, sex should last as long as it is necessary to fully satisfy the man and woman. This is good not only for emotional comfort, but also for the physical health of the partners. If you need extra stimulation, you can try specialized medications at

Benefits of prolonged intercourse:

  • Normal length of sex reduces the risk of prostatitis and congestion;
  • With controlled ejaculation a man feels confident and does not focus his attention on past failures;
  • Sex brings maximum pleasure, which has a favorable effect on the couple’s relationship.

There are drugs for prolonging sexual intercourse (for internal intake and external action), which help to eliminate this delicate problem.

Generic drugs for potency

All means to increase potency are well-proven, especially if they are patented drugs. However, they are too expensive, and not everyone can afford them. Therefore, scientists have tried and solved this problem. They have created generics of drugs that are also able to have an effective effect on potency and are much cheaper at the same time. Generics are chemical copies of potency enhancing drugs.

To date, generics can solve the problem of lack of potency without harmful effects on the body. But before you take the drug, it is still necessary to consult a specialist. But the main advantage of generics is their affordable price. In addition, the presented drugs for potency are easily absorbed, and practically have no contraindications. We recommend that you do not put off solving the problem for later. By contacting the doctor in time, you can get rid of sexual dysfunction in a short time, and your sex life again will appear bright colors.

Help to relax and give confidence before sex can be a small amount of alcohol, but this does not mean that each subsequent sexual relationship should be accompanied by taking alcohol. A great arousal effect have fresh citrus fruits, grapes, sweet peppers, pomegranates and apples. If you do not know what to do and what to do, do not try to do it again. So before the upcoming night of love a man should consume them. As a rule, complexes and fears disappear, potency and a sense of self-sufficiency are restored as soon as a man successfully performs an intercourse.

If, however, there are certain problems, we recommend you to apply special medications. You can buy them at This will help to improve potency and prolong the intercourse. Such drugs are used all over the world and millions of men have already managed to assess their effectiveness.